I am part of an illustration show this coming Friday in the old T K Maxx shop at the bottom of Princess Quay. How exciting you say? Heck yeah it is!
It's going to be really cool having so many talented illustrators, painters, and designers all in one place, nothing of this scale happens very often in Hull.
Some of the people showing are:
Gareth Sleightholme http://apopheniainc.wordpress.com/
Dominic Li http://domanicli.blogspot.co.uk/
James Fenwick http://jamesfenwickill.blogspot.co.uk/
I did this flyer for Hull Samba to promote getting people to join in on a Tuesday night. I decided, because Samba originates from Brazil, all the animals would be from Brazil too. So here is my own crazy Brazilian animal Samba band!
I had a fantastic time recently being a part of the Liverpool Bazilica weekend. Hull Samba played in a massive conga line around Liverpool with other samba bands and carnival floats from different parts the UK for 2 hours! Incredible.
This is Mr. Bo-Jangles the most bad-ass cat in town.
Last year my beloved, stinky, often quite stupid, but totally cool cat Reggie died :( I was totally devastated as he was the first proper pet me and James have ever had (excluding Nebula the impulse bought hamster).
So this image is in loving memory of Reggie the original Mr. Bo-Jangles.
Why has it been so long Blogger you say, well I have been all consumed in a PGCE course and now it is over! (Well it was over about a month ago now but all the days are merging into one now I have so much down time!)
Here are some Victorian ladies I did at the end of last year, as you can see good old Queen Vic is in the middle there. I have a slight obsession with Queen Vic and her holiday home Osborne House on the Isle of Wight, I have to go there every year when I'm down on holiday (as you can see below).